As a University student with exams pretty soon I'm staying at home at the moment being post-Christmas and what-not. However this means for me as what I'm sure it means for so many other people. Distraction. Hell that's what started this all off.
It seems without either your friends' or peers' ability to collectively shame each other into working - you're left to motivate yourself; and as much as I hate and admire in equal measure people who can sit and work for 16 hours straight without more than a few hours break for lunch and dinner. I'm not one of them and I probably never will be. Whatever I'm focusing on wherever I am; upstairs/downstairs/outside there's something to take my mind off the task at hand, maybe it's because I hate what I do (I don't, that much) but more than anything, the one thing that distracts me most is, say it with me now, FACEBOOK.
It hovers teasingly on the end of a queue of boring tabs covering this and that but none of those drive me with a compulsive urge to check and recheck what's going on with idiotic frequency; even when I know myself that nothings happened I still have to have a peek just to make sure. And you know, I don't think I'm the only one. Unlike almost any other time of the year when everyone has something better to be doing than sat in front of a desk slamming books against their head in a desperate attempt to passively absorb knowledge, at this time of the year you can comment and like and post and sure as the sun will rise; a flurry of responses at some ridiculously alarming rate.
I honestly wonder what the hell used to go on before the internet age; knowledge? I have no doubt that books sufficed as they seem to do quite a bit these days as I progress into realms where only specialist books seem to have the specific things I'm looking for but I mean in terms of distractions there really is nothing worse....
...than it's incredible, it takes what you like, sorts through and starts throwing sites at you; figuratively chucking them out from the screen as you dodge just in time to click "stumble" again and you know you shouldn't, deep down, in fact not even that deep you can be telling yourself for HOURS that you'll just check out another site. It's more addicting than crack. Speaking of...
Flash games. Crack. Huh? I said Flash Games. Crack. There, I can't even say one without including the other. Think about it, what do you take in incredibly small quantities and it has you hooked for days/weeks/months/years. It's inexpensive and doesn't seem too bad at first and then BANG you're more addicted than that haggard old whore on a date that end up desperately going home with some young guys looking to score coke with them (It's happened before and it'll happen again; another time another story.) Anyway I digress, flash games are the devils work and if you've ever played them I don't need to make any more analogies and if you haven't? God. Please. PLEASE. Just stay away; you wouldn't do crack so don't do flash games.
Hold on, I think something might have happened on Facebook...
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