Friday 6 January 2012


I’ll keep it simple, I've always seen blogs as self-serving pedestals from which one shouts his or her’s opinion trying desperately to be heard over the sea of people on equally sized pedestals also trying to get their voice out. But here I am. This little thing here is not to start what will become a sensation but I feel it’s only fair to give anyone who’s stumbled upon it the proper introduction it deserves; after all, if something’s worth doing surely it’s worth doing properly?

So here I am. I don’t see myself as someone who’s trying to get their voice out on any particular subject or such alike. No seriously, I’m not. The main point of this is to indulge myself in many different areas including writing; lord knows I don’t do anything near creative enough otherwise and I think over the next little while I’ll find a bit of time on my hands and you know what they say about idle hands…
Right. Few ground rules I guess, now again this is for myself, I’m not trying to reach anyone or influence anyone; I’d love for people to read this but I’m not setting out with that expectation – until then if that day ever comes, this is for me I guess. I expect what’s to come has no format, no structure and not much in the way of strict direction. I just hope this will be something I look back on or others look upon and read about how stupid, careless, and absolutely incredible I was. An online journal of sorts complete with ramblings ‘n all.

Wordy isn’t it?

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