I believe in the English parliamentary system; its worked for hundreds of years and hopefully it will carry on in this fashion. HOWEVER. And this is a big however. It relies heavily on the strength of the opposition to challenge the incumbent's ideology and policy and to push them to be better themselves as it's not about us and them (as the USA seems to be setting a stellar example for) it's about a journey they take towards a better future for the population. The problem now becomes obvious with Ed's complete lack of leadership, vision and originality he is merely a third fiddle even to the head of the Liberal Democrat coalition partner Deputy PM Nick Clegg who himself is the tea-boy of the current Prime Minister David Cameron.
Although I've slightly bashed the U.S. system it does do one thing - encourage the rise of fresh faced politicians, possibly from different backgrounds and allows them a chance to shine before they inevitably get sucked into the black hole that is politics. Instead of the engaging speeches of Obama and Clinton all we get from him are half-arsed jokes and annoyingly nasal splutterings of "David Cameron policies are unraveling!" or that the state of affairs is "an utter shambles".
What he should be doing is taking a long hard look at his own positions which are widely recognized as a joke in themselves and if he cannot provide sufficient resistance to the wheels of change, no matter how benign their direction may be, then he should step aside and let another one of his floundering, unimaginative, outdated and out of touch career politician colleagues have a shot.
Woo politics...next time will be more lighthearted g'damn work...Although I can't promise there won't be something on the state of the House of Lords soon...