I have a housemate who is convinced the banks conspire with a world agenda in order to control the world's money and therefore control the world. Now i'm fairly tired so I'll try and keep this short and sweet but I'm just going to launch into a small discussion on the extent to which I agree with him.
Now I started with a somewhat oversimplification although it stands true and I don't want anyone thinking I'm a "nutjob" conspiracy theorist - having said that I don't actually think conspiracy theorists are "nutjobs", all they do is take a lack of evidence supporting the govenment's view or whoever else's and turn it around into the evidence for their point of view. I digress - now this is starting to become a bit of a mess. I told you I was tired.
Money is power, this has always been true. On this assumption the same banks or banking families have controlled the world's money for a very long time, hundreds of years, stretching all the way to the medici banking family in Venice and beyond. They controlled whole cities and sections of countries and of course as money makes money their influence, power and stockpiles have only increased since. Think about it, people in power breed with people in power and create powerful marriages spawning powerful children. It's the way the world works. You can only really break into this elite group through marriage, game-changing inventions or pure merit placing you heads and shoulders above the rest of the world. Today, this is no different, the federal reserve act was drafted on a private island by a group of bankers; it is in their interest to hold on to power and hell, they're the ones who're used to it and who am I to tell them they shouldn't still be clinging to it because if we've proved one thing as the general public, it's that WE CANNOT BE TRUSTED. The difference between me and my housemate is that I've been following politics for a very long time, he hasn't. He seems to have just awoken to the news having lived on a small island most of his life and has made the mistake of accepting all information he is given with the same value. So a nutter preaching about how Obama is the worst president the world has ever seen is given the same gravity as an article in the economist. Hearing about the debt ceiling being raised this year will enrage him until I let him know that it's been raised at least 3 or 4 times a year for the last at least 50 years or so. "Oh, uh, well that cant be true because youtube said otherwise"... T_T
In fact, even worse, he insists that you cannot trust any data or evidence presented in any media because it is all fabricated. However it seems the random youtube videos from which he gets his half-assed news seems to be fact because it's from the people. There's really only one world for people like this. Idiots. To assume that all data given to you by any source, no matter how reputable, to ignore evidence no matter how impartial the source is nothing short of idiocy. It is the viewpoint for people who cannot understand the difference between fact and fiction which is highlighted greatly in the debates I seem to be dragged into with him from time to time.
He, of course, has no opinion of his own, no matter how much he may parrot the line of others it is painfully obvious to all around him that he cannot think for himself and so any ideas he presents are the ideas of others. Now recently he has become the patron saint of soon to be unknown, soon to be 4th place republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul. He spends all day every day watching his speeches on youtube and walks around telling everyone he's going to be assassinated if he gets into power. He takes his word as law. He takes his rhetoric against the other politicians as the truth and repeats them without any other viewpoint than his own.
Christ, I'm getting pissed. The fact that it's your opinion doesn't mean it's a fact from which you base all future arguments. If it was a fact that all facts are fabricated that's fine, but the fact that it's your opinion makes anything you say invalid. That and the denial of global warming, another attempt to pass off the mainstream republican party line as his own view. Just like the views of Ron Paul himself, generally over simplistic, narrow minded and short sighted just like his supporters. Apart from his libertarian views on drugs - even those go too far.
He's a great friend, and more or less a generally good guy. However there are just some people you should leave to their opinions and their ways because as soon as you start trying to engage them you'll start going in circles leading to headaches, depression and suicide. He neither aims to be, nor will ever be in a position where his opinion on such matters are taken seriously so fuck it. At least I know I'm right.
Idiots; they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...
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